/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ P I X I E S W A R M /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Welcome to the wonderful world of third party screen savers! Contents ~~~~~~~~ You should have received a ZIP file that contained these file: PIXSWARM.SCR The actual screen saver. README.TXT This file that you are reading. REGISTER.TXT A registration form that you should fill out and send in along with your registration fee. Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To put it simply.. nothing special. This screen saver is of the standard Windows type. It should run on any computer that is capable of running Windows 3.1, which is required. A minimum of 256 colors is recommended. No disk space is required other than the space the program itself occupies. There are no special memory requirements either (Pixies are small and don't take much memory.) Quick and easy install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install the screen saver, all you need to do is copy the PIXSWARM.SCR file to your Windows directory (usually C:\WINDOWS ). To use the screen saver, run the Control Panel from the Main group and open the Desktop icon. The 'Pixie Swarm' item should appear in the list of available screen savers. Select it and click the OK button. Distribution ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know you're probably thinking "Wow! This is so cool! I want to give this to all of my friends and post it on all of my favorite BBS's!". Even though you got this for free, it is copyrighted and you may not continue to use it for free or to distribute it in any form except for the original unmodified ZIP file. The term 'shareware' means that you get to try it for free and if you like it and want to continue to use it, you must pay for it. With that said, feel free to hand out copies of the original ZIP file at your next party and upload it to every BBS on the planet. The registered version is, of course, copyrighted and cannot be distrubed at all. Pixie Swarm Page 2 What do these controls mean? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The three ways to change the way the screen saver looks are Number of Pixies, Pixie Speed, Frames Per Second. Number of Pixies: 1 - 512 This is fairly self-explanatory. The control is exponential, meaning that the small numbers will change by small amounts and the large numbers will change by large amounts. Pixie Speed: 0.5 - 2 When the pixies fly faster, the streaks they leave behind get longer. If you want to make the streaks longer, speed them up. To make them shorter, slow them down. The value can be adjusted from half of the normal speed to double the normal speed. When there are more pixies, the normal speed is slower (this is because it is so crowded and they don't want to crash into each other.) Frames Per Second: 20 - 100 This is the number of times per second that the pixies will be moved. Keep in mind that your system may only be able to handle a certain number of pixies at a certain number of frames per second. If you are using 128 pixies, you may only be able to draw 20 frames per second. Increasing the value past 20 will have no effect. By default, the pixies are in color, but you may limit them to only white by unchecking the Color checkbox. Password protection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This screen saver uses the standard method for password protection. If the Password Protected checkbox is checked, you will be prompted for a password in order to turn off the screen saver and return to your work (or whatever else you were playing). Of course you will need to set your password. Clicking the Set Password button will allow you to change the password. You will have to know the previous password if there was one and you will have to type the new password twice to be sure you did not mistype it. Pixie Swarm Page 3 Ubiquitous shareware plea for money ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every piece of shareware has to have some reason for you to register the package besides the whole being-honest-by-paying-for-my-hard-work thing. I did not want to limit the functionallity of the screen saver (since there isn't much to limit in the first place), so the torture for using the unregistered version is a dialog that appears when you try to configure the screen saver. This dialog cannot be dismissed for 10 seconds. After the excruciating waiting period, you can click the button and continue on to the setup dialog. The reward for registering your copy of the screen saver is the elimination of this dialog, free updates to future versions as well as special 'previous customer' pricing on other newly released products as they become available. How do I register this thing? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's quite simple really.. you send me the registration fee in U.S. currency (check or money order) along with a properly filled out registration form (just print out the REGISTER.TXT file) and I send you a disk with the registered version on it. If you have a Compuserve account and prefer not to wait axiously at your mailbox, I can E-mail a zip file to you. Contact information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Send any questions or comments to one of these addresses: Khouri Giordano Compuserve: 70564,2541 Internet: 70564.2541@compuserve.com Snail Mail: 26 Woods End Road North Dix Hills, NY 11746